Corporate Social Responsibility


SMRC strives to participate in local and global initiatives for sustainable development and social responsibility.

Thanks to its Research and Development teams, SMRC aims to contribute to lighter and greener products for the automotive industry to reduce energy consumption and protect the environment. We also integrate recycling into our industrial process.

As an industry, we want to take an active part in the nature protection and sponsor children health care.

SMRC is proud to have obtained an overall score of 89/100 for its gender equality index in France for 2023, resulting from the detailed scores for each indicator:

  1. Pay gap = 39/40
  2. Difference in the rate of individual salary increases = 20/20
  3. Difference in promotion rates = 15/15
  4. % salary increase upon return from maternity leave = 15/15
  5. Number of employees of under-represented gender in the top 10 = 0/10

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